If you would like to request a Spanish interpretation, please email cdphe_apcd_outreach@state.co.us
Si desea solicitar interpretación al español, envíe un mensaje por correo electrónico a cdphe_apcd_outreach@state.co.us
Accessibility statement and support

Monday, January 1, 2024

Nationwide fire and smoke information, fire.airnow.gov

Find nationwide air quality information related to wildland fire smoke from EPA and its many partners: Fire and Smoke Map

Find information about all types of wildland fires and other types of risk information from various agencies: InciWeb

CDPHE/APCD Social Media

 Keep up with current updates on Air Quality Health Advisories and Action Days through the social media accounts for the Air Pollution Control Division:


X (formerly Twitter)

Colorado Air Pollution Control Division Logo

Smoke Blogs and Fire Information from other States

 Here are some links to fire and smoke pages operated by other states:






Sign up for Email Air Quality Alerts and Advisories

 Anyone can sign up to receive information about Air Quality Action Days and Air Quality Health Advisories in Colorado. Visit this page to sign up for alerts and advisories in your area.

  • winter.airquality: This list receives daily emails from November 1 - March 31 with health advisories and indoor burning restrictions for the 7-County Denver/Boulder metro area. Additionally, this daily email includes an air quality forecast for the entire Front Range region (Ft. Collins/Greeley area southward through Denver to Colorado Springs).

  • ozone.frontrange: This list receives daily emails from June 1 - August 31 with health advisories and air quality forecasts for the ozone nonattainment area (Denver-Boulder-Greeley-Ft. Collins-Loveland). All primary pollutants are forecast on a daily basis, but the emphasis during these summertime months is on ozone.

  • colorado.airquality: This list will receive an email whenever an Air Quality Health Advisory is issued state-wide (primarily for locations outside the Front Range). This list does not receive the daily emails of the two above lists, but will receive health advisories due to events such as blowing dust, stratospheric ozone intrusions, wildfire smoke, etc.