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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Potential for smoke moving into eastern Colorado, 9/5/24

 For the moment, Colorado is enjoying clean air while neighboring states are experiencing elevated levels of fine particulates due to the transport of wildfire smoke.

Map of PurpleAir particulate monitors shows mainly green in Colorado, indicating Good air quality conditions, while orange to red (Moderate to Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups) values are seen in Nebraska and Wyoming, and orange to purple colors are seen in Utah and Idaho, indicating that the Air Quality Index is reaching Unhealthy levels in some areas.
PurpleAir map of elevated levels of particulates (smoke) in states surrounding Colorado.

Smoke models indicate that some of this smoke may move into eastern Colorado Thursday afternoon and evening. 

HRRR-Smoke map of the U.S. shows light to moderate concentrations of smoke being drawn into eastern Colorado at 0 UTC (6 pm MST) on Thursday.
HRRR-Smoke map of potential transport of smoke into eastern and northeastern Colorado at 6 PM MDT Thursday.

Little in the way of public health impacts are expected, and concentrations are expected to remain light to moderate. However areas of haze are possible, especially in northeastern portions of the state. Keep an eye on conditions in your area and those who are sensitive to smoke exposure may consider health precautions in areas where smoke becomes apparent.

Light concentrations may linger on Friday morning, however the large-scale wind flow pattern looks to limit additional transport on Friday. Potential for incoming smoke returns on Saturday, and updates on expectations will be posted here as the situation evolves.

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