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Friday, September 6, 2024

Light smoke lingers in Colorado, likely to continue through the weekend, 9/6/24

While wildfire activity remains pleasantly quiet in Colorado and fine particulate levels continue to be in the Good to Moderate range, our neighbors to the north and west are still contending with areas of thick smoke from fires in Wyoming and Idaho. The heaviest smoke remains in the areas close to the fires, blanketing central Idaho and northwestern Wyoming.

Map of near-surface smoke from the HRRR-Smoke model showing heavy smoke in central Idaho and northwestern Wyoming at 12 PM MDT on Saturday, September 7th, 2024. Light concentrations of smoke are seen downwind of these areas, with limited amounts being transported into Colorado.
HRRR-Smoke map of smoke near the surface in the northwestern United States, valid at 18 UTC (12 PM MDT) September 7, 2024.

With an atmospheric ridging pattern over the mountain west, upper-level winds will likely carry much of the heaviest smoke to the north and east of Colorado, however light to moderate concentrations of smoke from the fires closer to us may filter into northern and eastern portions of the state over the next several days. 

Map of winds at the 600 millibar level indicate transport of smoke from fires in Idaho and Wyoming moving toward Montana and the Dakotas, largely missing Colorado, with potential for light smoke to move toward northern and eastern parts of the state.
NAM 600 mb winds from weathernerds.com, valid at 18 UTC (12 pm MDT) on Saturday, September 7th, 2024.

No significant public health concerns due to smoke are anticipated at this time, with this pattern likely to stay in place through the coming weekend. Overall, we expect hazy skies and light to moderate concentrations of fine particulates, primarily in northern and eastern areas of Colorado.

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