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Friday, August 30, 2024

Here Comes the Smoke

 Smoke has begun to make its way into Colorado this morning. Satellite imagery shows light smoke in northwest Colorado and on the Front Range. Fortunately for Colorado, the heaviest smoke is upwind in Wyoming, Utah, and Idaho.

In northwestern Colorado, particularly Moffat County, light smoke and haze may be noticeable this morning. Smoke is expected to dissipate as atmospheric mixing increases this afternoon.

On the Front Range and eastern Plains, smoke may continue to mix down to the surface throughout the day. The HRRR-Smoke model shows light smoke developing Friday afternoon. In southeast Colorado, there may be noticeable haze and light smoke. 

No major public health impacts are expected, but you may consider taking steps to protect your health from wildfire smoke today. If conditions worsen, CDPHE will issue an Air Quality Health Advisory.

Visible satellite image of Idaho, Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado. Heavy smoke is visible in Idaho, Wyoming, and Utah, while light smoke is visible in Colorado.
Visible satellite imagery shows heavy smoke in Idaho, moderate smoke in Wyoming and Utah, and light smoke in Colorado.

The HRRR-Smoke model shows 2-6 micrograms of smoke at the surface in eastern colorado by 2 pm friday 8/30.
The HRRR-Smoke Model predicts smoke on the eastern Plains this afternoon. As daytime atmospheric mixing increases, smoke could mix down to the surface.

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