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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

More Smoke Coming for Colorado

Northwestern Colorado could experience another shot of smoke starting tonight.

Smoke models show smoke advancing into northwestern counties as early as Wednesday night, and continuing throughout the day Thursday. Smoke from fires in Canada and the Pacific Northwest could advance into northwestern Colorado, as a cold front moves in from the north. 

Residents in Moffat, Routt, Jackson, and Rio Blanco Counties may wake up to hazy skies and noticeable smoke on Thursday morning. Smoke is expected to stick around throughout the day Thursday, so you may consider reducing your time outdoors if you are in these locations.

This model also shows light smoke moving through eastern Colorado, but widespread rain and thunderstorms are expected on Thursday, which should limit smoke impacts.

Map of western United states showing concentrations of smoke over the region. Northwest Colorado will begin to see smoke increasing by midnight Wednesday night.
The HRRR-Smoke model at Midnight Wednesday night shows smoke beginning to advance into northwestern Colorado.

Map of western United states showing concentrations of smoke over the region. Northwest Colorado is expected to have moderate concentrations of smoke Thursday.
The HRRR-Smoke model shows more widespread smoke by 6 am Thursday.

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