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Saturday, August 3, 2024

Smoke impacts on Saturday, 8/3/24

Smoke from all wildfires in Colorado showed significantly lower impacts on Saturday morning, however this does not meant that concerns for this potential have been eliminated.

Along the northern Colorado Front Range PM2.5 monitors showed mainly Green and yellow (Good and Moderate) levels of fine particulates (smoke) on EPA's fire and smoke map. This is welcome news after several days of more significant smoke throughout the region. 

Map of air quality sensors from fire.airnow.gov shows green and yellow color on nearly all sensors, indicating good to moderate air quality due to fine particulate matter (smoke) along the Colorado Front Range, from Fort Collins to Castle Rock.
Map of air quality sensors from EPA shows good to moderate air quality from Fort Collins to Castle Rock on Saturday morning.

However, hot, dry, and breezy conditions are in store once again on Saturday. This may lead to an increase in fire behavior and smoke production. Winds during daytime hours are expected to move from the east to the west, and may transport much of the smoke from the Alexander Mountain Fire and the Stone Canyon fire westward and away from population centers, however impacts will remain in areas that are in close proximity, downwind of the fires. During overnight and early morning hours, areas that are below these fires' locations may see the greatest impacts as smoke drains toward lower terrain.

Folks along the Front Range, and especially in areas near active fires should remain aware of air quality conditions, and remain vigilant about taking health precautions to reduce negative effects due to air quality.

In southwestern Colorado, the Bucktail fire remains active, and smoke is expected to again affect areas of Montrose County on Saturday and Sunday.

Information about all Air Quality Advisories and Action Days can be found on the CDPHE/APCD website, and will be updated as these situations evolve.

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