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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Smoke arriving Thursday from large wildfires upwind of Colorado, 9/12/24

The smoke expected to infiltrate Colorado from areas to the west and northwest of our state has begun to arrive. Folks in western and southwestern Colorado have woken up to hazy skies, and monitors are already showing Moderate concentrations of fine particulates.

Map of fine particulate monitors from fire.airnow.gov shows mainly green (good air quality) along the Colorado Front Range, with yellow (moderate air quality) colors beginning to register in western and southwestern Colorado. Several monitors in east central and northeastern Utah show orange (Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups air quality).
Map from fire.airnow.gov shows Moderate air quality conditions creeping into Colorado, with higher levels of particulates to the west.

We expect that additional smoke will arrive in Colorado throughout the day, moving from west to east. The greatest impacts on Thursday are expected in western and northwestern Colorado.

As model depictions, satellite observations, and ground monitors help us to track the movement and impact of this smoke, more information (possibly including Air Quality Health Advisories) will be posted here. Stay tuned for mor information as the situation develops.

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